We Need Your Support
Thank you for considering sponsorship of Charlotte Court Inc. As a non-profit organization, Charlotte Court Inc. depends on donations and sponsorships from individuals and businesses in order to provide the highest quality services for those in our organization. Money collected through donations and sponsorships help cover the cost of players who are unable to pay the fees associated with being on the team. Playing for a competitive travel team can be very expensive, and for many of the players the financial burden can prevent players from participating. Several come from single parent households and/or low income families and without financial support, so donations and sponsorship are the only way some of our student athletes can maintain their spot on the team.
If you were to make a donation to our basketball program, it can help pay for the following...
- Uniforms and gym rental
- Tournaments and travel expenses
- Trainings, camps, and training equipment
- Academic services (tutors, ACT prep, etc..)